Friday, April 11, 2008

The Missing Message in Personal Finance Development

by GW Lawrence
Kidz 4 Money's Course Developer
Author of "The Inside Track to Money and Wealth" and "The Power Over Money"

It is crazy to think that we as individuals have created such an identity crisis. Our exploration of our, God-given, unique identity (Life) has become a process to force-fit our unique circle into squares created by society, rather than a discovery of what is inside of us. We look for our truths in the comments and designs of others. It is seldom that we decide or behave from who we truly are, our Uniqueness.

We are fingerprints of human existence, each of us a unique personality in every way. Not by the friends we have or our geographical-origins, but by our human birthright.

Our decisions and behaviors are guided by outside influences, categories, and cultures. We want to fit in, impress the world, follow a trend, or copy a style. We trust another’s opinions instead of our own truths and believe that a fancy home, pretty clothes, or a big a car is who we are.

There is only one of us and we are all blessed in our own unique way. Our path to success and wealth is perfectly laid out by our true identity, our Uniqueness. It is no wonder that we find such pain and suffering in these pursuits, when we search the ways of others.

In seeking wealth, we spend our money on what we try to be or what we are convinced to be. If you look at most debt, it is on things we do not need and often on what we were told to want. We pass this all to our next generation, who will have a harder life to face than we. They will be shopping for their wealth and identity in the uncertain and often distorted world we leave for them.

There is no greater disaster with personal finances than how we identify our lives. As important as financial literacy may be to being financially responsible, financially responsible and being broke is a reality that sometimes go hand in hand. How we spend is the first battle in being wealthy.

When we embrace our Uniqueness and our truth, our spending caters to who we really are and not any category. We automatically spend on what makes us better and not what changes us into something else. Spending is then natural and always empowering. Our goals are then our goals and not suggestive images or opinions. Then by our MindSet, we seek whatever knowledge will fulfill our core values and not the simple values of others.

Wealth building is natural and promised, as many experts have said, “do what you love to do, do it as best you can, and the money will follow”, never a more true statement.

Kids 4 Money teaches the today's youth how to discover their Uniqueness and we teach them the workings of the MindSet. Together, young people develop a MindSet of Wealth, natural and confident. Yes, we teach financial literacy, but we also teach wealth building and the pursuit of wealth, not money. Develop a MindSet of Wealth and begin your legacy.